To our Cherokee Family,
Thank you so much for your tremendous love and support. As we gathered to celebrate the 65th annual Cherokee Day, we can truly say we are blessed. The overwhelming amount of outpouring, we received, the mouthwatering lunch, the alumni that returned to the home to share stories and to encourage us. We have so many reasons to be thankful.
On behalf of the board of directors I would like to thank each person for your part in the support of our ministry and the life changing care that we strive to provide. Our staff and house parents always do such an amazing job planning, organizing, and serving our guests. It comes so naturally for them, for that is what they do daily. They serve others and welcome strangers into their homes, making each one of them feel welcome and loved, with the love of Christ. They set such a great example to the children we are blessed to care for. True hearts, hands and feet of Jesus, we are blessed to have such amazing staff and house parents at Cherokee Home. They work so hard every day to bring the love of Christ to our kids. I hope you had the opportunity to spend some time with them during your visit.
To the alumni that came home, we are so thankful that you took the time to return. It is your home also. Our staff and parents are amazing, but at times in need of grace, as we all are. Every story you share with us helps us to see the home through your eyes and offers us an opportunity to grow and become the very best. We are inspired by your stories and encouraged by your presence. Your desire and willingness to make the trip, some from great distances, is a testimony to the work that the Lord is doing. We are grateful for your presence, and you are welcome home anytime.
To our amazing family of supporters, we are at a loss for words. Your faithful giving is always so overwhelming and encouraging. To see the way you support our ministry, and the children in our care is tremendous. It is the way the Lord intended for us to love one another and care for His children. The amount of food that you have provided is astonishing! The best way to the heart is through the stomach. Standing in the kitchen preparing a meal, while kids are helping or doing homework at the counter is the heart of the family. Sitting around the table, able to give thanks for the meal that has been provided is HUGE. THANK YOU! We have so many reasons to be thankful, this just being one.
The financial gifts that we received to purchase additional pantry items, and your outpouring of love towards our ministry is always a blessing that we strive to pass on to every child in our care. It is an encouragement to us, knowing that we have so many monetary supporters who are also faithful prayer warriors on our behalf. Please keep the prayers coming as we continue to grow and find new ways to provide for our children. We want to do the very best job at providing for their safety, care, and most importantly their relationship with Jesus. We know that without so many of you, this would be extremely difficult, but we would not give up.
I pray that you enjoyed your day with us. I know I did. I also know I was not able to spend as much time with everyone as I would have liked, as I get distracted and tend to play with the kids for too long. However, I was able to enjoy some of my time providing tours and getting to know some of you, and I look forward to the next time that we can gather and grow.
I cannot thank each person enough. The Board of Directors is so blessed to be able to serve and oversee such an amazing work. Our job is made so much easier by the blessings and people that are willing to serve and bless us.
The Lord is mighty and will always provide, we will seek, and we will find, we will ask, and we will receive! He is preparing a home for ALL of us that choose Him, thank you for helping us provide a home for those in need while we are here.
Joel Luker, President, Board of Directors